Australian winter...
"Strike a pose"
Before we knew we was going to Bali.
... Gustav and Sophie found a dog...
We ended up at a university party...
...where nobody liked us, but we had free burritos...
May was amazing. Even though winter was approaching the weather stayed gorgeous. It was still time to enjoy the beach and backyard parties. Lina from Norway was hosting one of the parties, and it was amazing. It is so easy to have fun. Just grab a couple of friends, a few drinks and a backyard. Done.
roomies reunited...
... Catching up in my backyard. Australian winter treated us well. once again..
Sarah J, Elin & Lily Weston
Farewell breakfast in Coogee
Jonna and Elin came back to Sydney after one month of travel from Cairns and back to Sydney (the whole east coast). It was really nice with a little reunion. They took over my room as soon as they arrived, and made everything to a mess. But no worries, feel like home swedes. It was good fun to have them around again.
Crossing Sydney bridge in maxi-taxi...
Two party legends, Thales and Guilio...
Some British girls
Where did that crocodile outfit come from?
GREENWOOD, Sash by day...
It almost felt like the night was over at 9, but we went for some food at El Loco...
... Went to Beresford and met Zara
... and ended up at Sash by night with Jake...
on our way home...
Cooked as fuck. I am glad we didn't take more photos...
What else happen this month?
May was full of farewell drinks, birthday celebrations and parties. I thought it would slow down when summer was over. But apparently not, but who am I to complain? I am just saying one thing; Sash is the way of life. Thank you, amen.
... We love you JJ
The Grounds with the Aussie girls and Italian boys...
...fuck me dead it's huge
Zara is the most beautiful girl in the world #ilymtjj
"Pick an animal and take a photo"
I bloody love this photo ay..
I was also doing my last weeks at Coogee Pavilion in May. The last day was really surrealistic and melancholy.
"I will never come back here after today".
Coogee Pavilion have basically been my life for six months. Almost all my friends I know is from Pav and I feel like I have developed and improved so much in many aspects thanks to Coogee pavilion. I am more than grateful and its been a real pleasure. Next Bali!